Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 4 Ans Eli5 intaglio printing 373 views 8 Ans Why are some tax credits non refundable? 452 views 6 Ans How do they study the mathematics of nature ? Apparently there is mathematic of oceans and waves? How and what do they study mathematically? 340 views 12 Ans eli5: Why is organ hypertrophy bad? 767 views 4 Ans What happens in your eyes when you unfocus them? 361 views 26 Ans why are hearts shaped like this ❤️ instead of human hearts? 950 views 14 Ans Why does looking through a small gap focus vision so well? 588 views 20 Ans Why is nuking hazardous asteroids not a viable option? I’d rather be hit by smaller pebbles instead of an actual rock 749 views 8 Ans eli5 What happens to muscles when you stop exercising and is it hard to get them back? 759 views 8 Ans eli5 why does metal melt and wood burn/char 437 views 8 Ans If our brains are so incredibly powerful why is it so limited? 381 views 2 Ans Where does the water that gets trapped in your ear when you go to the beach go? 227 views 4 Ans Eli5: What’s the difference between Selling Price and Sales Price? 301 views 2 Ans Eli5: What does frequency range and impedance do to headphone/earphone quality? 280 views 4 Ans Why can you marinate raw fish for 3 days, but you’re supposed to cook it in a day or two after buying it from the grocery store? 281 views 12 Ans Eli5: why are some airplane jet engines under the wings and some on the vertical stabilizer? 600 views 4 Ans Only the top layer of water freezes in a lake because this layer insulates the rest of the water but the water in a trough in a freezer freezes all the way through. Why? 252 views 2 Ans What causes temporary loss of hearing and ringing in ears when lightheaded? 207 views 8 Ans Eli5 Does plasma in blood have any relation to plasma as a state of matter? 439 views 2 Ans Why are sleeping pills bad for you long term? 237 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,801 2,802 2,803 2,804 2,805 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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