Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans what are bootstrapped languages exactly and how do they work? 254 views 9 Ans eli5 what is the difference between strategic analysis and tactical analysis? 491 views 15 Ans what is Occam’s Razor? 694 views 6 Ans wifi deauthentication attack 339 views 6 Ans Eli5: What are the performance and strategic use differences between sidewinder missiles and sparrow missiles? 332 views 21 Ans Can people with HPV have children? 1.07K views 9 Ans Existentialism vs Nihilism vs Absurdism 505 views 42 Ans How do ancient buildings survive hundreds of years of natural disasters e.g. earthquakes? 1.79K views 18 Ans : How we know the way dinosaurs used to act 831 views 12 Ans Eli5- what exactly is Rayo’s number? 612 views 6 Ans Why does a magic eraser work better than an ordinary sponge? 310 views 81 Ans Why aren’t car-like 3 point seatbelts used in planes? 3.62K views 6 Ans Why do we need a dedicated neutral power line? Can’t we just use ground as neutral? 285 views 15 Ans ELI5, How does calling the emergency line connect you to the nearest PD? 768 views 6 Ans What actually happens when you get a ‘gut feelling’/intuition? 589 views 108 Ans Eli5 Why do birds have such twitchy movement? 4.57K views 12 Ans Why does January and March have 31 days, and February 28? Why can’t/aren’t all 3 months 30 days each? (excluding leap year) 575 views 18 Ans Why does exposure to radiation cause cancer/leukemia? sometimes even decades later 863 views 6 Ans How do those safety table saws that stop when they sense fingers work? 386 views 3 Ans How does the first certified US Small Modular Reactor Design work? 347 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,808 2,809 2,810 2,811 2,812 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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