Categories Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans ELI5- How do International Court Warrants Work? 434 viewsOther 5 Ans Why are aircrafts more stable traveling faster than sound than at the speed of sound? 525 viewsOtherPhysics 5 Ans How does singing work in other languages such as Chinese where tone can change the meaning of a word? 360 viewsOther 6 Ans Eli5: why are there no salary caps in English/European football? Wouldn’t it make the league’s a bit fairer? 435 viewsOther 10 Ans Why do select members of the UN have veto power ? 857 viewsOther 28 Ans What is cost of Labor and why do Hawaii jobs pay so much less? 1.60K viewsEconomicsOther 13 Ans why does gold have so much value now that it’s not propping any currencies? 1.47K viewsEconomicsOther 2 Ans How do the Camera People on Race to Survive keep up with the Contestants? 333 viewsOther 37 Ans Is it true that if you play the lotto with the last drawing’s winning numbers, your odds aren’t actually any worse? If so how? 2.99K viewsMathematicsOther 8 Ans What happens to the urine when you pee in a chlorinated pool? 895 viewsChemistryOther 7 Ans ELi5: Why do you need to wait 10 seconds to power cycle certain electronics? 798 viewsOtherTechnology 5 Ans Why do some animals, like octopus and chameleons, have the ability to change color, and how do they achieve this? 511 viewsBiologyOther 35 Ans Why does switching doors in the Monty Hall Problem increase odds: 2 doors, 50-50 2.94K viewsMathematicsOther 3 Ans How Does fruit ripen even after cut from their plant ? 459 viewsBiologyOther 21 Ans How do sushi chefs kill bacteria? 1.69K viewsOther 2 Ans Standard Deviation 389 viewsMathematicsOther 27 Ans How do low cost airlines, example being Ryanair, make such high profits yet sell flights for so cheap? 1.62K viewsEconomicsOther 21 Ans – How people learn to think logically? Is there any limits to possible logical thinking, depending on age? 1.83K viewsOther 16 Ans Home a/c systems – Why is it more efficient for it to run continuously a couple of hours rather than cycling on/off so often? 1.58K viewsEngineeringOther 11 Ans Eli5: Why is deflation more difficult to fix than inflation? 1.30K viewsEconomicsOther « Previous 1 2 … 180 181 182 183 184 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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