Categories Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans How does our sense of balance work? Why do we get dizzy or feel off-balance sometimes? 338 views 7 Ans How come humans drown if fish don’t? 643 views 7 Ans Eli5 why are human more susceptible to snake venom than other mammals ? 606 views 8 Ans why are blood clots in legs deadly but penile blood clots are not? 707 views 5 Ans Why do certain vegetables shrink so much when cooked 571 views 11 Ans Who creates proper techniques in sports, and what makes it “right?” 1.20K views 3 Ans Who or what is making adoption difficult? 429 views 2 Ans eli5 how CPUs work despite being so small 432 views 8 Ans If a number is infinite (like “Aleph-Null”) then how can there be numbers larger or smaller than it? Shouldn’t that be impossible? 685 views 1 Ans Why does water cause friction on skin as opposed to being a lubricant? For instance, licking your finger to turn a page or open a bag, or… certain activities that may involve showers. 339 views 2 Ans How are long-range commercial aircraft different from standard commercial aircraft? 368 views 16 Ans Eli5: Whats the difference between “processed sugar” and sugar found in fruit, bread and milk etc? arent processed sugar the same sugar molecules as those? 1.39K views 6 Ans If stars can’t fuse iron, where do it and all other heavier elements come from? 775 views 11 Ans Why is cancer fatal? 1.11K views 6 Ans Why Do Hurricanes Hit Florida So Often 599 views 2 Ans Why do bruises turn purple? 374 views 5 Ans Why do people who fall on escalators tumble over and over? I’ve seen several videos where young and old alike can’t seem to regain balance once it starts, also looks very dangerous. 540 views 3 Ans Why older people seem to have more fragile skin? Why are the elderly seemingly more prone to bleeding from a fall than younger people? 464 views 6 Ans are photons part of the electromagnetic spectrum? 610 views 17 Ans Eli5: why are 11 and 12 called eleven ant twelve and not oneteen and twoteen? 1.08K views « Previous 1 2 … 3,091 3,092 3,093 3,094 3,095 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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