eli5: How do painkillers work?


Like do they make pain in all of the body go away? Or does it just help the bit that’s hurting? Or something else?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depending on the specific type of painkiller, they target a specific mechanism that the brain uses to detect pain, leading to a general painkiller effect.

Opiates (like morphine) bind to specific receptors in the brain and block pain signals from reaching it.

NSAIDs like aspirin suppress the production of inflammatory signaling molecules, which prevents pain signals from being sent to the brain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

TDL : Strictly speaking, the best killers of pain undo the action causing the body to signal the brain, ‘ get somethings wrong here, we need you to find a solution!’

For example:

Sinus pain , generally, caused by pressure or eroding tissue,

pain killers:

-Saline spray ( cleans & clears clog)

-decongestant ( allows passage of mucus without to clean in too great an amount to clog)

— these remove pain by removing the cause of the pressure interfering with desperation , triggering alert like an error code of pain to the brain

– antibiotic ( kills the bacteria forming a reproductive nest in the front of your face via nasal passage )

— again relieving pressure but this one has the added killer power of eliminates creatures eating the flesh inside your bass passage, thus eroding tissue, causing multiple error codes triggered to be sent to the brain

Skeletal pain, that means anything connected to or influenced physically by, but not necessarily, the actual bone, it’s self :

– nerve blocker or disrupted ( blocks the error code transmission no matter how bad the issue: like closing the crash warning your Mac desperately displays each time you access a new function )

– muscle relaxer: these come in many, many forms, from narcotic to neuroleptic to isolating nsaids to patches of ‘numbing’ narco direct isolates

(Space because that’s a lot to read in a line!)

To keep it simple: neuro direct can disrupt or block all of the impulse signals from the source or responds to signals from the brain to one specific spot, this is done with an interfering signal generation, a generated zap of low dose but enough to cause alternate flextime of extension, squeeze or release

Narcotic when ingested orally or rectally or intravenously are best explained by switching to a cruder metaphor
Combustion engines : cars

flooding the engine of the brain, in much the way too much gas will cause an engine to not have ability to start, it’s bad to have all that liquid in a space that can only burns the secondary fumes from the liquid … it’s bad for the brain to over fill with endorphins or oxytocin or dopamine
Or yes serotonin … balance from secondary effect only or you break the whole engine

Or for the previous metaphor preference

your overflow says ‘$&@# you! I’m not supposed to triple workload and then run at max capacity leaning on a secondary virtual ROM indefinitely and you didn’t even say please!’
And shuts down or crashes the whole operating system

Addiction is when this code becomes a percent rewrite , code that is followed by operational override , not an indulged cookie : but that’s another story

Now back to muscle relaxers

So the isolate direct ‘interfering’ of most non addictive ( haha remember that over write on operational code … it don’t care if it’s drinking water , it’s just code, I digress)

These hone in so to speak on the part of the brain receiving signals from muscles , rendering is too ‘busy’ to fully focus on receiving or transmitting a response, this is the stopping of the continual signal to contract or extend simply by fuzzing the signal 😉 like static interference jamming a code.
It interferes less with the rest of your brain function , but will cause a sluggish or ‘understanding ‘ or ‘awareness’ slowing in muscle response if the person seeks to force movement enabling response , like say walking or exercising or for real people pressing the break & turning the wheel in a car ; sometimes this is expressed by the brain as a sensation of weakness

But hey , guess what? Your heart is a muscle, and while part of a desperate autonomic system with separate muscle structure: , ROM box model capacity, external drive, cloud drive, Ethernet drive….you get the idea

All can be impacted by these pill or iv drip, usually intravenous unless you have say a severe spinal injury, MS, or other progressive Myelin layer causing progressively damaging resultant disease

Anyway when utilizing : these work best if you enter a reboot state or ‘consciously relax’ to allow repair and optimum efficiency by reducing g movement signals sent , and can cause your heart to not beat in a regulator rhythm , it causes ‘pauses’ or main interruption in power and resultant operant glitches and can crash the entire system, even fry it 😉 by starving the brain of oxygen ….

Please take the warning about driving or using a router seriously : you could hurt someone else or slice your leg open , and respond goofily , best to have a clear headed buddy always, let them drive the bus friends

Or avoid these if at all survivable ( if you can say no or ask another option- you won’t die , so chose wisely)

These are prescribed carefully and as a last resort because over time the body developed a tolerance, or operant work around , requiring increasing doses or patch updates

Last but not least , best option direct limited transdermal patches and crepes or , rarely, drops, or sprays (like for an ear ache that makes you scream)
These deliver similar or identical impact as the nsaids (not discussed as common knowledge ) and narcotics and well all the classes of meds including yes even antibiotics, commercially available OTC in bandaids and advised for wounds involving minor burns or ulcer / open blister )

‘BUT WAIT there’s more’ -sham wow commercial

The delivery system makes it special, not only do you reduce the impact on your brain by interfering or impacting at point of need, you reduce the accumulation of tolerance to the employees/ introduced chemical !

So driving a car with an arm patch for tennis elbow, probably unnecessary pain addressed but who am I to judge, you are far more likely to function at whatever your ability was with the pain only interfering with that function … but with less overall distraction from pain 🙂 I letting go of metaphor hear because I feel confident in your learning and understanding ( comprehension processing) at this point.

Please re read in zoom for executive processing function over ride as needed , oh and fist bump ,

yeah “‘it’s personalized service not executive ‘disfunction’ “co-identification

That is a private joke , if you get it giggle otherwise : geeks have friends too thubbbb and we com how we com , free speak jacko

Win win


Vocab just in in case

Myelin later : nerve casing to prevent wires arching synapses or eroding in the environment : see metaphor is solid

Pills /tincture ect induced chemical responses ( that’s all the brain and well your pain killer in question is, a chemical system w an new chem introduced to alter the ‘potion’ outcome)

TDL : Strictly speaking, the best killers of pain undo the action causing the body to signal the brain, ‘ get somethings wrong here, we need you to find a solution!’

Edit Totally! Welcome.

I need to add I am not a physician
And before endeavoring on any ‘pain killer’ it is imperative you contact your medical provider , especially, if it isn’t able to be covered by a simple adhesive bandaid as a temporary until reaching medical care.

Don’t let covid be an obstacle : most hospitals & insurances have a free nurse help line with on call nurses and practitioners only , too, happy to answer honestly needed questions and direct you to your best course of action 🙂

If your hospital or insurance doesn’t have a nurse help line: call another one 😉

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here’s a massive over simplification- Think of your body like a computer. Nerves send signals to the brain like a computer keyboard sends inputs to the motherboard. X button input means cold, y input means pain etc. Now plug an interrupter between keyboard and motherboard. Every time you press y, the signal gets blocked, and the pc doesn’t register a button was pressed. The signal was still sent as far as the keyboard is concerned, but since the computer didn’t recieve it, nothing was registered. Some pain killers work similarly. They plug a new chemical compound into the inputs on your brain and stop the pain signal from being recieved. If your brain doesn’t get the pain signal, you don’t feel it.