Eli5 Why construction workers start so early in the morning?


Eli5 Why construction workers start so early in the morning?

In: 55

50 Answers

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Working in daylight is generally preferable for a whole lot of reasons. In summer, that’s often not a limiting factor but when the days are shorter it definitely is. Where I am, 7 am start is pretty normal which is about right for working in daylight in the spring / summer months.

It’s not unusual to start on-site at 8am in winter because it doesn’t get light until after 7 but for mobile crews, that still means starting in the yard at 7 so that you’re on site and ready to go when the light is ready. It gets dark a lot earlier so if you waste daylight you don’t get as much done which is particularly problematic if there is a bit of daily setup and pack up as you end up making the job take a whole lot longer because you waste that hour or two every day no matter how many or few hours you work

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