Eli5 Why construction workers start so early in the morning?


Eli5 Why construction workers start so early in the morning?

In: 55

50 Answers

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Depends where you live. I used to live fairly far north. In summer the sun would rise enough that it was light at 3am, but wouldn’t get dark until after 10pm. Those months we worked 7am-7pm, sometimes later. Even in the middle of summer, the heat was never unbearable in the middle of the day (unless it was a freak heatwave).

Then in winter the sun would rise at 8am and set by 4pm, so we worked 8am-4pm. So we didn’t have to work in the dark and cold.

Part of that is just cultural, but working in the daylight is much easier and safer than working in the dark. You also don’t have to spend money hiring lighting rigs.

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