How did Apple become a “luxury brand”?


Apple used to be an innovative company when it came to smartphones, but recently there hasn’t been much innovation, yet in Western countries if you don’t have an iPhone you’re considered broke. Androids have drastically changed and improved, and their prices have also gone up, so why is only Apple a “luxury brand”?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think this is largely attributed to the aesthetic and marketing Apple has crafted around the brand. I’m no ad expert, but to the average person, it appears Apple goes out of its way to fit that luxury brand image through its commercials, connections with celebrities, and the theatrics around those Apple conferences each year. Like with luxury clothing brands, for example, they put it in the hands of the “elite” and sell you the idea that an average person can achieve at least some level of their elite-ness via iPhone. Android doesn’t seem to have the same drive towards that sort of marketing. Also, like a lot of luxury fashion brands, they have a face that goes with the brand to keep up the illusion of luxury. I can’t name a single person for Android in the way I could from Apple, primarily because Apple has designed it that way. Public opinion and internet memes about the previous quality of Android just exasperates this separation between the two brands.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because Apple says so. It’s kind of a bad answer in all honesty, but they’re so big they get to call themselves what they want and competitors have to follow. It’s also because they have more than just phones. Phones aren’t terribly different in price, but it’s way easier to use iTunes on a Mac than on windows or any other operating system. If you have an iPhone, it’s considered standard, but if you have an iPhone, MacBook, Apple TV, apple home pod, Apple Watch, and apple AirPods, you’re probably living in some sort of luxury. There are much cheaper alternatives, but they don’t “just work” like apple products.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Having a personal computer back in the 80s was a luxury. So wasn’t it always?