| How do black holes suck stuff if they are not actual holes?


Someone said that black holes are not actual holes 🕳.. and that they are just big masses of stuff? So how do they suck stuff inside if they are a mass? Or maybe i’m completely wrong on this

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10 Answers

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The way I’ve come to see it after much time observing the nature of pressure is this:

Black ‘holes’ are the result if a sudden shift in the fabric of spacetime brought on by the collapse of an inconceivable heavy star that causes such abrupt negative pressure that matter surrounding the collapse is drawn to it, spinning about in such a way that the matter is torn apart to inconceivable tiny bits and distributed back into the universe.

Basically I think nothing is sucked into a hole, but rather spins wildly around a vacuum created by the abrupt shift in pressure brought on by the collapse of an immensely dense star.

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