How do video game companies add new content to their game after a game has been released?


How are they able to add new items to games once they have been released? I thought they had to store everything on the disc. I’m confused how it all works.

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

That was the case back before internet-connected consoles were a thing.

Nowadays, the disc holds the base game. When you install the base game, your console checks the game’s version and list of installed files against the game’s server, and downloads anything it happens to be missing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The disc holds version 1.0 of the game. New updates are downloaded and stored on the console itself. That’s why they have hard drives (or SSDs for the new ones).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Monetization is the biggest reason. They are able to generate huge amounts of revenue by offering add-ons, upgrades, custom skins, items that can be used in the games, and so on.

They draw users into the online storefront by offering free upgrades and downloadable material, and then showcase along side the free items additional content that the user must pay for.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re obviously way out of date. You don’t even need a physical disc anymore. You can download the game (as in the base game… version 1) from the internet and have been able to for a long time.

So when you buy extra content it’s just added to the game’s library. It may overwrite existing files or just add new files or a combination of both. The game then loads these up when it plays.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The game isn’t just the app. It’s a collection of different packs of data. When you open the game, you’re activating the game app. But the game itself is just an interconnected activation of multiple data packs at the same time. Those files, all though they are on your computer/console, can only be activated through the game publisher’s servers. Your access to those servers is limited, just enough for you to play the game. The developers have access to the editing software and can use it to change and add things to the original files. From there they probably release the updated version on public servers, and your device installs these new files and puts them in the game.