Muscle Memory


Does building muscle affect muscle memory negatively? (I play csgo, was thinking of working out arms, was afraid I’d lose the muscle memory I’ve built aiming if I worked on my arms.)

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

The memory is not literally in your muscles but rather in a section of your brain which is close to where the muscles are controlled. Doing exercize does not affect this muscle memory at all. What you may experience though is that it can take a bit of time to “calibrate” the muscle memory depending on your fateague and muscle strength. This is something you do during the warm up phase anyway but it can take longer if you have been doing a lot of exercize without playing. Just give yourself some extra time to warmup before competative games.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. Muscle memory just refers to a command your brain is used to giving when triggered by a specific stimuli so it almost does it automatically without having to think consciously about it. Building muscle means it would just be giving the same command habitually to stronger muscles.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Muscle memory is the ability of your muscles to remember how to complete a task even after you haven’t done it for a long time. It is a type of implicit memory, which is memory that happens without you having to think about it. An example would be learning how to ride a bike. Even after not riding a bike for a long time, you can still remember how to do it without having to relearn.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Muscle memory is a misnomer. Motor memory is one’s ability to learn complex skills and become proficient in them through specific, deliberate practice. This info is stored in the brain, not the actual muscle.

I can assure you that working out your arms will not have any tangible effects on your video game performance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t think muscle memory refers to the muscle itself just the brain section which is responsible for your muscle movements, twitches etc.

If you want to work out, don’t let something like a video game stop you, ever!