What exactly are pre nups and why are they always shown to be a point of contention on couples?


What exactly are pre nups and why are they always shown to be a point of contention on couples?

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12 Answers

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A Pre-Nup, or pre-nuptial agreement is a contract people sign before marriage that contemplates what happens when a couple divorces. This includes prospectively dealing with money, including spousal support, asset division, and parenting decisions.

In the past, people didn’t want to sign them because they felt it indicated a lack of faith in the marriage, a lack of faith in the partner, or severely limited their ability to take 50% in a divorce. It was also tough, because people felt like they had unequal bargaining power. For example, the multimillionaire CEO husband has his high school diploma only trophy wife sign one saying that if she divorces she gets $1.

In the modern era, they are becoming less and less divisive as people freely contract for them.

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