What exactly are pre nups and why are they always shown to be a point of contention on couples?


What exactly are pre nups and why are they always shown to be a point of contention on couples?

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12 Answers

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What everyone else said, but in ADDITION it also defines how things will be financially during the marriage. My SO makes 100x more than me. We have an arrangement where I give him a certain amount every month but he covers basically all other expenses. I will no longer need to pay this once we retire (young and soon). The prenup dictates who needs to pay what during marriage, even with details as detailed as insurance, food, mortgage, etc and what it doesn’t cover (extras like $$$$$ luxury items I want) without an agreement by both parties. It also dictates I don’t need to pay if I make under a certain amount (so retiring).

It was really stressful to do, but it’s a good exercise to really make sure both parties are on the exact same page BEFORE signing the marriage contract.

There are A LOT of things to work through with your SO, but it will make things simpler after divorce and during marriage.

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