What exactly are pre nups and why are they always shown to be a point of contention on couples?


What exactly are pre nups and why are they always shown to be a point of contention on couples?

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12 Answers

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Prenup means prenuptual agreement.

It is essentially a contract that you enter into with your partner before a marriage that, in the event that the marriage ends, dictates how assets will be split.

This often happens when two people bring a significantly different amount of wealth into a relationship. The person with a lot of wealth wants to avoid people who are looking to hook up and hang out for a couple years before leaving with half their money.

The specifics of any given prenup will be different, but in general, the reason most people will have an honest problem with them is because they might feel like they’re going to become trapped in a relationship. If they’re going to enter a marriage under the impression that, for example, they won’t be working, then they might not continue to advance their careers. They’re limiting their potential future earnings by making these choices, so they want to be protected in the event that the relationship ends. However, some people with a moderate amount of money might try and push a prenup that gives up absolutely nothing.

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