Why can you sign up for an email list instantly but to unsubscribe it can take up to 10 days? Is there an actual technical reason or is it a sales tactic to try to make you reconsider?


Why can you sign up for an email list instantly but to unsubscribe it can take up to 10 days? Is there an actual technical reason or is it a sales tactic to try to make you reconsider?

In: 8891

52 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Same reason why it’s easy to sign up for a subscription but can be neigh practically impossible to cancel it at some places. There’s just no motivation to do it quickly, in fact it’s against their interest so they have next to no motivation to do it right away.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Same reason why it’s easy to sign up for a subscription but can be neigh practically impossible to cancel it at some places. There’s just no motivation to do it quickly, in fact it’s against their interest so they have next to no motivation to do it right away.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s like they add extra steps hoping you wouldn’t unsubscribe and try to drag it out so you give up trying to deter them from you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s like they add extra steps hoping you wouldn’t unsubscribe and try to drag it out so you give up trying to deter them from you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Same principle as purchases. Money is deducted instantly from your account, but refund? Days and days. Maximal inconvenience to put people off doing it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Same principle as purchases. Money is deducted instantly from your account, but refund? Days and days. Maximal inconvenience to put people off doing it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

i have never heard of this, is this some us only thing?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It may be a sales tactic. It may also be to do with batched email sending using addresses pulled from a database. In which case your address being deleted from the marketing list might not delete it from an upcoming batch.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It may be a sales tactic. It may also be to do with batched email sending using addresses pulled from a database. In which case your address being deleted from the marketing list might not delete it from an upcoming batch.

Anonymous 0 Comments

i have never heard of this, is this some us only thing?