Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans how do blue replacement indicator bristles on toothbrushes work? 195 views 3 Ans Why can’t we use CATOBAR-adjacent tech on airliners to stop runway overruns in winter ops? 210 views 3 Ans eli5: how does pedialyte work to restore hydration as opposed to regular water? 183 views 9 Ans How does money laundering work in the commercial art world? 386 views 4 Ans eli5: what is the mafia? 248 views 3 Ans Where do memories go when one experiences amnesia? 187 views 3 Ans Why will traffic lights give right of way to EMS vehicles in Chicago Suburbs but not Chicago? 207 views 1 Ans eli5-why Albania produces oil, but their prices are among the highest IN europe, maybe even in the world? 127 views 7 Ans eli5 How can non-radioactive elements and materials become radioactive? 342 views 15 Ans Why does the NFL play way less games than other sports? 640 views 8 Ans Eli5: How do gambling addictions happen? 321 views 2 Ans Why is it that when you put your hand in the bath to check the temperature, it feels cool enough, but when you put your foot in, it feels like it’s boiling hot? 147 views 2 Ans How do synthetics colors run in the wash? Isn’t polyester just colored plastic woven into fabric? 155 views 1 Ans Why does blowing your nose both sides at the same time sometimes help evacuate more snot then doing just one side at a time? 120 views 4 Ans How could the universe be formed by energy if there was nothing before the universe? 204 views 19 Ans What is irony? 719 views 3 Ans Where did all of these image generating AIs came from, and why did they develop so quickly in the last year or so? 250 views 4 Ans What are the mechanisms that enable giant tortoises to have exceedingly long natural life spans? 265 views 3 Ans eli5: why do women sometimes give birth to twins and triplets 189 views 2 Ans Why is there no over-the-counter (OTC) medication for scabies? 157 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,651 2,652 2,653 2,654 2,655 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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