Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 18 Ans Does wind chill only affect living creatures? 842 views 5 Ans Eli5: How come Konjac is almost zero calories? Does it not contain any carbs or fiber? 284 views 6 Ans can you help counter snake venom with a tourniquet..? 🐍 363 views 7 Ans the black stuff on cooking sheets? 373 views 5 Ans ELi5: So this is probably a weird one. But why does 25°C feel hotter in NZ than Australia. 272 views 12 Ans eli5 why abandoned houses get in rough shape, But lived in houses are fine after being unchanged for years? 694 views 4 Ans Eli5 What are the benefits of an “spy balloon” over other methods of aerial surveillance? 262 views 2 Ans why a virus/bug affects so many seemingly disconnected bodily systems? 227 views 2 Ans What are the differences in various grades of gasoline and how do they affect a vehicle? 210 views 1 Ans Eli5: Why does our brain sense time to be faster, or slower, than reality? 201 views 8 Ans eli5 Rocket science 402 views 1 Ans eli5 when does the body actually store fat? 187 views 3 Ans Why does everything scaled up moves slower while small things, like insects, move super fast. 266 views 7 Ans eli5: How exactly are recharable batteries recharged? 414 views 3 Ans Why is leather not supposed to get wet? 322 views 5 Ans Eli5: what is the stringy white coloured thing that hangs out an egg yoke and the brown spot in the egg yoke? I fear the response may put me off eating them…? 364 views 3 Ans I took the train today and I wondered: 257 views 2 Ans Eli5: Saline drip volume markings 250 views 27 Ans If a wire carrying current produces magnetic field around it, why its not attracted to nearby metals ? In a general household. 1.12K views 3 Ans eli5: Sensitivity vs Specificity in testing 268 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,765 2,766 2,767 2,768 2,769 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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