Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 6 Ans Eli5 “Cancer Fighting Properties” How Does That Even Work… 381 views 8 Ans Eli5: how does for over 4.5b years the earths core still hasn’t cooled off? 367 views 6 Ans Why is it bad to bite our fingernails? Is there certain diseases we might pick up if we keep biting our fingernails? Is it just seen as nasty like picking your nose? 289 views 4 Ans Eli5: How do keys like the mini cooper work 292 views 14 Ans Eli5 Is the earth getting bigger? 735 views 4 Ans What is a conformal and non conformal map? 352 views 14 Ans Why are we not using thorium reactors if they are better in every way? 585 views 6 Ans How do radio signals from space get turned into text? 356 views 6 Ans Eli5: How do biologists program viruses to use for genome editing? 422 views 6 Ans How do cures for diseases come about? 408 views 2 Ans what causes gum to bleed after not flossing for a long time and floss again versus nightly flossing 215 views 10 Ans : Why do people say that obesity leads to diabetes, But all diabetic people I know are really thin? 400 views 10 Ans How/Why Do People Age Slower Now As Opposed To In The ‘80’s Or So? 475 views 6 Ans Eli5: why is it so hard for people to make art if they’ve never seen any art before? 278 views 10 Ans If you were in a spacecraft at the right point in space, could you look out the window and see, for example, the Horsehead Nebula as it appears in that famous photo? 403 views 26 Ans ELI5- why can movies make CGI human faces and movements that look 100% real and normal but video games always look fake even with large budgets? 995 views 8 Ans ELi5 Why are CFD and wind tunnels used together for flight simulation 358 views 4 Ans how are cable channel numbers determined? 277 views 34 Ans Why do we round up 0.5000 to 1 instead of rounding down to 0? 1.31K views 22 Ans Eli5 why is snow white? 880 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,776 2,777 2,778 2,779 2,780 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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