When you lose weight, the fat in your body is broken down into two main things: water and carbon dioxide.
The water part comes out through your sweat or pee, and the carbon dioxide part is what you breathe out
So, most of the fat you lose is actually exhaled as carbon dioxide when you breathe, It’s pretty cool to think that every time you take a deep breath out, you’re getting rid of a tiny bit of fat.
Pee and breath.
Basic fat is a bunch of Carbon atoms (C) and Hydrogen atoms (H), so mixed with Oxygen (O) we breathe in, it produces CO2 that we exhale as gas and H2O (water) that we exhale as vapor or evacuate as urine (liquide).
Sugar molecules have a different composition of C, H and O, but the main result is the same (CO2 and H2O).
If you eat pure sugar or pure fat, you’ll produce very little poo (only from dead cells and broken proteins). You’ll have lots of difficiencies, get sick and have all kinds of physiological troubles, but you won’t poo much. Poo is good, so eat your fats and sugars in a form where they’re combines with fibers (fruits and veggies), vitamins (things with a variety of colors, without coloring of course) and proteins (nuts, beans).
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