Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 9 Ans eli5 - My friend pranked me by popping a plastic bag next to my ear, cound this cause hearing loss? 486 views 51 Ans Why are larger (house, car) rechargeable batteries specified in (k)Wh but smaller batteries (laptop, smartphone) are specified in (m)Ah? 1.89K views 3 Ans eli5, how does private equity manage to sell a company after adding a large amount of debt (to use as dividends for its holders) at a profit? 238 views 14 Ans How do different mobile carriers not set up new customers with the same phone number? 678 views 18 Ans What exactly is AWS? And how is it beneficial to programmers like Data Scientist? And in what other aspects of programming life could it be used? 754 views 6 Ans how come our bodies can’t control laughter or tears at times 415 views 34 Ans eli5: who or what is profiting from the MASSIVE interest rate rises in Australia? Is it the banks holding your mortgage? The Government?!.. basically, who is loving life right now? 1.32K views 16 Ans How does scientists know earth has a solid core surrounded by mantle when we have never dug so deep? How do that happens when IMO 12 km is the deepest we have dug? 819 views 3 Ans – ISAs and interest rates 245 views 12 Ans Why some ingredients can last a long time, but when used it can only last a few days in the fridge? 633 views 22 Ans If a water bottle is in the same vicinity as an X-ray, will the water bottle still be safe to drink from? 971 views 11 Ans Who decides what goes on a standardized test? 529 views 8 Ans What is Rate limiting step in Biochemistry during metabolism? 976 views 10 Ans how do small animals not get frostbite when they walk around on snow and ice all day? 417 views 8 Ans how do stock traders know someone will buy their stock/sell stock at a price they want? 473 views 14 Ans Eli5 What is machine learning? 703 views 16 Ans Why does powdered coffee creamer dissolve easily in fresh, hot coffee but not reheated, hot coffee? 768 views 6 Ans what are atmospheric windows and which effect do they have on the earth‘s energy? 422 views 16 Ans How is overly cheap wine made? 768 views 8 Ans Why is East Asia’s aging population a concern for their respective governments? 475 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,792 2,793 2,794 2,795 2,796 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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