Why is it okay to eat food products from old rotten milk e.g. sour cream and cheese, but you can’t eat milk itself that’s gone bad?


Why is it okay to eat food products from old rotten milk e.g. sour cream and cheese, but you can’t eat milk itself that’s gone bad?

In: Biology

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Food we make from old milk (sour cream, cheese, yogurt, etc), we control what kinds of bacteria, mold, or enzymes are put in it, and then “grow” the new food in a controlled environment, therefore keeping out the random things that might make us sick. When milk goes bad in a our home, usually it’s a mystery as to what exactly invaded and decided to settle down, and usually it’s more than one thing. Chances are, one of the many new organisms now growing in your milk might make your GI tract unhappy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You technically can, it’s just unpleasant. No, really, sour/lumpy milk is technically more or less safe to drink- just disgusting taste-wise. The reason it doesn’t just turn into cheese is because cheese and sour cream and yoghurt are all made under more carefully controlled conditions than a half-empty jug of milk that’s left to sit in your fridge.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are millions of different kinds of microorganisms that can spoil food.

Some of them can be dangerous, like E. Coli while some of it can convert the food into a different, but still edible food, like beer yeast.

If you leave your milk out, you might get acidophilus yoghurt by chance, but you probably won’t.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dairy products are not made from “old rotten milk”; they are made with fresh milk and sanitized equipment. Yes, the final product is fermented, sour, mouldy, whatever – but it was made that way with particular organisms.

The milk in your fridge is old and basically contaminated by a variety of undesirable moulds and bacteria.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Spoiled milk is a cesspool of various bacteria. Cultures like sour cream, cheese, etc are monocultures of specific bacteria or groups of bacteria that isn’t harmful to humans.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fungi are divided in two sections: Eadible and poisonous and bacteria are as well. It depends on your surrounding and a bit of luck that the right stuff is growing. Than you’ll get something delicious. In former times it was quite normal to put a jar of milk behind a window into the sun and cover it with a cloth. After a while you got a yoghurt like thing, mostly soured milk.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sour cream, cheese, yogurt, etc. are ***NOT*** produced from ‘old rotten milk’ you take fresh milk, add different kinds of yeasts while strictly controlling temperatures and get the result we want. Making those products is very similar to making bread. If you used ‘old rotten milk’ to make those aforementioned products, you would be left with a very disgusting and unhealthy result.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why is it OK to walk down 30 flights of stairs, but you can’t leap out of a 30 story window? Controlled descent.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Raw milk can turn sour on its own. The necessary bacteria are abundant.

And it’s actually a natural protection that allows babies to feed from breast and not turn sick asap.

Bottled milk however lacks the necessary starting bacteria and will turn nasty.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I am taking a course on cheese making!

When most dairy products are made we pasteurize the milk killing most of the bacteria “good” and “bad”. We the. Add back in single or groups of bacteria and enzymes that are safe and desirable for whatever food we are making. Then by adjusting the temperature, pH level, salt, moisture, and time we can control the growth and decline of the bacteria preventing undesirable or harmful bacteria from growth and promoting the bacteria we desire.

I also want to point out that bacteria not found in the milk can be introduced into the food at almost any step (if not handled safely) and potentially cause issues with the end product. These issues usually are simply a change in flavor, texture, or, in some cases, harmful to one’s health.